SCH Number 2019109058

Project Info

Salinas Airport Development Lease Project
The City of Salinas is proposing to lease approximately 13.25 acres of vacant land (Project Site) from the Salinas Municipal Airport and in turn lease approximately 5. 72 acres of the project site back to the City of Salinas as use as a Public Works Corporation Yard. The remainder of the project site (approximately 7.53 acres) would be developed to accommodate light industrial and/or warehouse uses, with a maximum building square footage of no more than 40-percent of the site area (approximately 130,332 square-feet). Allowable uses for the site would be specified in the lease to include minor telecommunications facilities, indoor vehicle storage, limited industry, laboratories, warehousing, maintenance and repair services (city corporation yard), and research and development services. The site would be development in accordance with the development regulations and design standards of the City's Industrial Business Park (IBP) Zoning District. Surface parking, landscaping, lighting, and other site improvements would be provided as mandated by the City.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Salinas Salinas Airport Development Lease Project (Miscellaneous 2019-015)
City of Salinas Salinas Airport Development Lease Project