SCH Number 2019090305

Project Info

Pastoria Solar Project by Pastoria Solar Energy, LLC
The project includes a request for land use entitlements necessary to facilitate the future construction and operation of a solar facility and associated infrastructure to generate a combined 115 megawatts (MW) ofrenewable electrical energy and 80 MW of energy storage, on approximately 650 acres of privately-owned land. Implementation of the project as proposed would require: a) Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 9, Map No. 2 I 9; b) Williamson Act Land Use Contract Cancellation No. 19-02; and c) General Plan Amendment (GPA) No. I 0, Map No. 219 (Circulation).
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Kern County Pastoria Solar Project by Pastoria Solar Energy, LLC
Kern County Pastoria Solar Project by Pastoria Solar Energy, LLC
Kern County Pastoria Solar Project by Pastoria Solar Energy, LLC