SCH Number 2019080497

Project Info

Jackson Ranch Specific Plan
Consisting of approximately 415 acres a long Interstate 5 at the Utica Avenue off-ramp, Jackson Ranch Specific Plan is envisioned as an innovative service and commercial center that will encourage economic growth while honoring the agricultural heritage of the region. A total of just under 2.4 million square feet of commercial and industrial space is planned for 141 acres of the 415-acre Plan Area. Approximately 268 acres is proposed to be designated for agriculture use. Implementation of the Specific Plan would require an amendment to the Kings County General Plan, Development Code, and Zoning District Map. The Specific Plan will be adopted as ordinance and function as the regulatory plan that serves as the implementing zoning for the Plan Area. A Subdivision Map is also being considered for this development.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Kings County Notice of Determination for Ordinance No. 668-2-20 to implement the Jackson Ranch Specific Plan
Kings County Jackson Ranch Specific Plan
Kings County Jackson Ranch Specific Plan
Kings County Jackson Ranch Specific Plan