SCH Number 2019059033

Project Info

Lenwood Maintenance and Improvement Project
The proposed Project is routine maintenance of the Lenwood Spreading Grounds, Lenwood Spreading Grounds Spillway replacement, Lenwood Channel grading, and access road maintenance. District's facilities must be maintained routinely to achieve the District's goals of optimum flood control and public safety. The Lenwood Spreading Grounds also act as a major source for groundwater recharge. Maintenance of the channel and spreading grounds and related spillway improvements require the District to obtain environmental permits from various state and federal agencies. Note: Property Location is provided as an attachment
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Bernardino County Elder Creek Flood Control Channel Improvements
San Bernardino County Lenwood Maintenance and Improvement Project
San Bernardino County Lenwood Maintenance and Improvement Project