SCH Number 2019049140
Project Info
- Title
- Meritage Homeowners Association Grading Abatement
- Description
- This application is for a Grading Abatement to restore the site to pre-graded conditions with the exception of the serpentine bunch outcrop habitat that will not be restored, as recommended by a biologist. On an open space designated parcel, a dam (tributary of Bodfish Creek) was constructed with a pond of approximately 0.5 acres in area, and a berm to fill an approximately 5.6 acre capacity, according to the grading violation report. To restore the site to natural contours, the grading abatement includes an excavation totaling 7,912 cubic yards of cut, and 3,629 cubic yards of fill, and dewatering the dam to restore the site to pre-graded condition. No trees will be removed for this restoration work, and tree protection plan implemented to ensure protection of the habitat. A ranch road was graded through the serpentine habitat which will remain in existing condition.
2 documents in project