SCH Number 2019049054

Project Info

Greater Mill Creek Ecosystem Restoration Project
CDPR and the National Park Service are proposing to complete vegetation management, aquatic restoration, and road removal activities over 34,080 acres within the Greater Mill Creek area. Vegetation management actions would include forest restoration through thinning; snag creation; crown manipulation; tree planting; vegetation removal; flaming/torching; mowing/solarization/covering; girdling; and fuels reduction. Abandoned logging roads and related road infrastructure that threaten aquatic resources would be removed. Temporary roads may need to be constructed to access restoration areas and would be removed as soon as possible after treatment. Proposed aquatic restoration would include placement of large wood in streams to enhance habitat and stream function. Implementation is anticipated to commence in late 2019.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Parks and Recreation Master Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement # 1600-2020-0180-R1
California Department of Parks and Recreation Greater Mill Creek Ecosystem Restoration Project
California Department of Parks and Recreation Greater Mill Creek Ecosystem Restoration Project
California Department of Parks and Recreation Greater Mill Creek Ecosystem Restoration Project