SCH Number 2019039168

Project Info

Northside Specific Plan
The Northside Specific Plan establishes land use designations and zones to implement a community vision for the Northside Neighborhood. Proposed Specific Plan land uses include Medium Density Residential (MOR), Medium-High Density Residential (MHDR), High-Density Residential (HDR), General Commercial I Commercial (C), General Commercial (C-2), Business/Office Park (B/OP), Freeway Mixed-Use (FMU), Mixed-Use Neighborhood (MU), Northside Village Center (NVC), Open Space, Parks, and Trails (OS), Public Facilities/Institutional (PF), Trujillo Adobe Heritage Village (TAHV), Outdoor Commercial Recreation (OCR), Light Industrial (M-1, Industrial Research Park (IRP), Transition Zone Overlay (TZO) and Residential Overlay (R-0). The Plan would allow a buildout of between 11,260 and 13, 112 residential units and 16,559,700 sf of employment uses.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Riverside Northside Specific Plan
City of Riverside Northside Neighborhood & Pellissier Ranch Inter-Jurisdictional Specific Plan