SCH Number 2019039159

Project Info

Foothills 30 Major Grading Plan
The applicant requests a Major Grading Plan approval to allow rough grading in two phases at the northeast corner of Foothills Blvd. and Pleasant Grove Blvd. Phase one involves removing berms along the frontages of the two roads and phase two involves using t he cut from phase one as fill to create a level pad area in the southwest corner of the site for future development. A tree permit is also requested to remove three native oak trees on the site.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Roseville Foothill 30 Major Grading Plan Project
City of Roseville NIPA PCL 50- Foothills 30 Major Grading Plan/ PL 18-0414
City of Roseville Foothills 30 Major Grading Plan