SCH Number 2019039072
Project Info
- Title
- Concar Passage Mixed-Use Project
- Description
- The project proposes to demolish the existing 165,000 square foot retail strip center and adjoining surface parking and redevelop the site with residential mixed-use transportation oriented development with one level of below-grade parking. The proposed project includes 961-units (including 954 apartments and seven live-work units). Consistent with affordable housing requirements in the City of San Mateo, the project would provide ten percent affordable units onsite. The Project also includes approximately 40,000 square foot of retail uses, including the “SEED” food hall, restaurant, retail, Peninsula Ballet Theater administrative space, performance space, and a day care center. The project also proposes 6.83 acres of open space area (4.67 accessible to the public and 2.16 acres available to residents).
3 documents in project