SCH Number 2019029088
Project Info
- Title
- 808 Alameda de Las Pulgas Townhome Development Project
- Description
- Project Description: The project site is composed of four parcels at 800, 804, 806, and 808 Alameda de las Pulgas; APN numbers 049-360-060, 050-220-020, 050-220-170 and 050-220-160. The proposed project would involve site preparation, and construction of a residential community. The proposed project applies the State Density bonus provision to the base project of 68 units with a proposal for a total of 87 units, 10 of which will be deed restricted as affordable. The proposed 87 attached townhome units would consist of four distinct three- and four-bedroom unit types of between approximately 1,522 to 2,943 gross sf, each with a two-car garage for a total of 174 covered parking spaces. Additionally, there are 34 on-street townhouse guest parking spaces. Existing homes on three parcels would be demolished and the four parcels combined into a single parcel. The project would include reconfigured and new rights-of-way, new landscaping, walking trails and recreational components and erosion control elements. The completed townhomes would have a combined gross floor area of 226,981 square feet and would be organized into 14 clusters situated around an east-west running right-of-way based generally on existing private Castor Road. Areas between townhome clusters and outside of the proposed right-of-way would be landscaped with mostly new plantings and trees, partially to replace the removal of many existing trees. There is an emergency vehicle access (EVA) road at the northwest corner of the project connecting to Coronado Avenue via a private easement. The project would also include a shared facility called the Community Hub, located at the east entrance. The facility would include a 920 square foot building containing two accessible bathrooms, a kitchen, community room and homeowners’ association (HOA) office/storage area and would include a new public plaza of 1,212 square feet. The Community Hub area would also include 18 short-term public bike parking spaces, a bus shelter (southbound), bus stop (northbound), crosswalk, and flashing beacon. Finally, 2.4 acres of the project site would remain in dedicated open space and would remain undisturbed during site preparation, construction and landscaping activities. St. Charles School, Bittan Acres Elementary School, Arbor Bay School, and Arundel Elementary School are within 2 miles of the site. Section, Township, Range: This land has been in private ownership since before California joined the United States. It is therefore not part of the Township and Range system, which was a survey of federal lands.
2 documents in project