SCH Number 2019012050

Project Info

Brady Vineyard Final EIR
The proposed project would include subdivision of the project site to develop a total of 118 single-family lots and various associated improvements, including but not limited to, parks, trails, landscaping, circulation improvements, and utility installation. It should be noted that in addition to the 118 single-family residential units included in the proposed project, the EIR recognizes the potential for up to 12 additional on-site residential units (Accessory Dwelling Units) to be included in the project in order to meet the County’s affordable housing requirements. The project would require County approval of the following: General Plan/Community Plan Amendment; Rezone; Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map; Conditional Use Permit (CUP); Variance; Minor Boundary Line Adjustment; Design Exception Request; and annexation into County Service Areas for provision of fire protection services, sanitary sewer service, and park maintenance.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Placer County Brady Vineyard Subdivision
Placer County Community Development Resource Agency Brady Vineyard Final EIR
Placer County Brady Vineyard Subdivision Project
Placer County Brady Vineyard Subdivision Project