SCH Number 2018122008

Project Info

Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District Sewer Trunk Main Replacement Project, Reaches 4A, 4B, and 4C
The proposed project is to repair and improve a portion of the existing sewer trunk main to reliably handle dry and wet weather inflows. The proposed project would include the following components: 1) abandon and/or remove and replace sections (approx 8,500 lf) of the existing 21-in diameter reinforced concrete underground sewer trunk main with 27-in polyvinyl chloride pipe, including sections of connecting sewer lines, manholes and other appurtenances; 2) restore roadway surface; 3) relocate, reconstruct, ore remove miscellaneous structures; and 4) relocate, install, or abandon other utilities.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District (SVCSD) Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District Sewer Trunk Main Replacement Project, Reaches 4A, 4B, and 4C
Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District (SVCSD) Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District Sewer Trunk Main Replacement Project, Reaches 4A, 4B, and 4C