SCH Number 2018102058
Project Info
- Title
- Two Rivers Trail Phase II
- Description
- The proposed project would create approximately 3.4 miles of new Class 1 bicycle and pedestrian trail, primarily along the waterside toe of the levee on the south bank of the American River west from Sutter's Landing Regional Park to the Sacramento ,Northern Bikeway Trail at North 18th Street, and east from the eastern terminus of Sutter's Landing Regional Park to the H Street Bridge. The trail would generally consist of an 8-ft-wide paved path with a 2-ft-wide compacted shoulder on the inner side and a similar 4- to 6-ft-wide shoulder on the waterside to provide space for walking and jogging adjacent to the paved portion of the trail. The trail would be engineered to be load-bearing to accommodate maintenance and emergency vehicles.
4 documents in project