SCH Number 2018092028
Project Info
- Title
- The Residences @ Shoreline Gateway
- Description
- The Project would construct a new, seven-story residential structure with approximately 3,000 square feet of ground floor retail, two levels of podium parking and 203 residential units; and a new, seven-story residential structure with two levels of podium parking and 100 residential units. The Project would also include a six-story parking structure to accommodate parking for an existing four-story office building that would remain on the site. Associated surface parking, amenity space, and landscaping for the office building would be removed. The Project proposes a General Plan Amendment from General Industrial to Mixed-Use Center and a Rezoning from General Industrial (MM) on the eastern portion of the Project site and Limited Industrial (ML) on the western portion of the Project site, to Planned Community (P) for the entire site to allow development on a 5.84-acre portion of the site.
3 documents in project