SCH Number 2018072003

Project Info

Carquinez Middle School Replacement
The John Swett USD is proposing to replace the Carquinez Middle School to address seismic safety issues. The new school building would be constructed on the same site as the existing middle school. Access to the project site would continue to be from Pomona Street and Crockett Blvd. No increase in student capacity would occur with the new building. The new school building would be built in the central/southern portion of the 7.04 acre project site, which is currently used as a parking and play area. The existing school building, which is located at the north end of the project site, would remain occupied by students during construction and would be demolished once the new building is completed.
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John Swett Unified School District Carquinez Middle School Replacement
John Swett Unified School District Carquinez Middle School Replacement
John Swett Unified School District Carquinez Middle School Replacement