SCH Number 2018061058

Project Info

Smith Basin Improvement Project
The proposed project under the previous scoping (June 2018 NOP Proposed Project) involved two (2) project alternatives. Alternative 1 involved improvement to increase geotechnical stability of the Smith Basin embankment slopes in six (6) areas. Under Alternative 2, all improvements under Alternative I would be included, except that under Alternative 2, Santiago Creek would be reestablished along the toe of the slopes in its current alignment and would maintain its current width and depth and would be protected in place with rip rap. In August 2018, the OCWD reevaluated the NOP Proposed Project and began the revision process to the scope of work. Limits were placed on the proposed improvements, reducing the number of areas proposed for stabilization from six (6) to three (3) and realigning the Santiago Creek to its prior alignment instead of stabilizing it in its current location. The Proposed Project activities includes re-establishing the historical access road on the north; re-grading the bottom of Smith Basin to restore Santiago Creek in its former alignment nearer the middle of the basin; repairing and reconstructing the slopes in the basin; constructing six (6) groins to slow water flow along the southern slope; and restoration of removed vegetation.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Orange County Water District Smith Basin Improvement Project
Orange County Water District Smith Basin Improvement Project