SCH Number 2018061044

Project Info

North District Devleopment Plan
The North District Development Plan is a proposed land use plan to redevelop an existing student housing project site on a site on the northeast side of the University of Riverside campus with a new higher-density student housing project. The NDD Plan designates land uses for the entire 51-acre site, and the Campus anticipates that the plan area will be developed in phases. The proposed NDD Plan would ultimately provide up to 5,200 student beds. The NDD Plan includes Phase 1, which involves the construction of approx 1,500 student beds and associated facilities by 2021 and a future phase(s), which involves the construction of up to 4,500 student beds and associated facilities.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
University of California Long Range Development Plan Amendment 5 for the North District Development Plan and North District Phase 1
University of California, Riverside North District Devleopment Plan
University of California, Riverside North District Devleopment Plan
University of California, Riverside North District Devleopment Plan