SCH Number 2018042015

Project Info

Kresge College Renewal and Expansion Project
Note: Review Per Lead The project would involve demolition of ten existing buildings; construction of a cluster of three new residential buildings, an academic building, and a multi-purpose assembly space; and renovation or reconstruction of all remaining existing buildings. New and renovated or reconstructed buildings would be reprogrammed to increase the functionality of the residential, academic, and student support spaces. In addition, the project would include improvements to and new construction of outdoor amenities, circulation features (including bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure), storm water management system components, landscaping features, and utilities. The project would retain key legacy site features of the existing Kresge College complex.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
University of California Santa Cruz UCSC Kresge College Renewal and Expansion - Permit No. 644
University of California Kresge College Renewal and Expansion Project
University of California Santa Cruz Kresge College Renewal and Expansion Project
University of California Santa Cruz Kresge College Project