SCH Number 2018041012
Project Info
- Title
- 777 North Front Street Project
- Description
- The residential component of the Project would include construction of one 279,162 square-foot, seven -story building containing 252 units and one 346,644 square-foot, eight-story building containing 321 units for a total of 573 units and associated parking spaces. The hotel component of the Project would include on 212,250 square-foot, seven-story building containing 307 hotel rooms and 327 associated parking spaces. The Project would also include a 1,067 square-foot retail gallery. Project amenities would include open space, consisting of courtyards, a pool deck, transit public plaza, and private balconies. The Recirculated Draft EIR includes revisions to Section 4.2, Air Quality; Section 4.5, Greenhouse Gas Emissions; and Appendix D (Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study).
3 documents in project