SCH Number 2018032036

Project Info

San Francisco Bay Trail at Point Molate
The East Bay Regional Parks District would construct an approx 2.5 mile bike and pedestrian path. The project consists of an approx 2.5 mi non-motorized bike and pedestrian trail at Point Molate. The trail is comprised of Segment A and B and would be constructed in a previously disturbed area that coincides or is adjacent to the old Richmond Belt Railway corridor. Segment A would be constructed within a surface easement granted by Chevron to EBRPD for construction, operation, and maintenance of the trail. The trail is anticipated to be 10 ft wide. Construction of the trail is expected to occur in stages from May through October in 2020.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
East Bay Regional Parks District San Francisco Bay Trail at Point Molate (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0010-R3)
East Bay Regional Parks District San Francisco Bay Trail at Point Molate
East Bay Regional Parks District San Francisco Bay Trail at Point Molate