SCH Number 2018022026

Project Info

Former Oroville Manufactured Gas Plant Remedial Action Plan
DTSC is proposing to approve a RAP for the Former Oroville Manufactured Gas Plant site pursuant to regulatory authority granted under chp. 6.8, div 20, sec 25323.1 and 25356.1, H&SC. The draft RAP will address impacts to soil and groundwater from previous operations at the site. The remedial activities will involve excavation and disposal of approx 6,600 cy, or approx 430 truckloads, of contaminated soil at an off-site permitted facility. The soil is impacted by benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, lead, and petroleum hydrocarbons. Additionally, approx the same amount of clean fill will be imported from a local source. Imported soil will be tested for contaminants in accordance with DTSCs October 2001 Information Advisory on Clean Imported Fill Material. The Site consists of a portion of the City paved parking lot located on a block bounded by Myers, Montgomery, and Huntoon streets in Oroville, CA. The Site is bounded to the west by Huntoon Street, to the north by a levee for the Feather River, and to east and south by other portions of the parking lot which extend to Meyers Street and Montgomery Street, respectively. The Site consists of a relatively flat area approx.. 0.5 acre in size, and represents approx. 30 percent of the parcel (Butte County Assessor Parcel No. 012-032-032). The Site is paved with asphalt with some small landscaped areas. An unmanned City storm water pump station is contained in a small building located in the northwest corner of the Site. The portion of the levee located along the Site's north boundary is situated approx.. 12 to 15 feet above the Site. The City of Centennial Cultural Center (Centennial Building) is located on top of the levee to the north of the Site, and the City Municipal Auditorium building is located on top of the levee o the east of the Centennial Building. Buildings zoned for Heavy commercial-Use, including an automotive shop, are on the opposite side of Huntoon Street ,directly across from the Site. Buildings zoned for Restricted Commercial Use are located along the south side of Montgomery Street and the eastern side of Myers Street. There are no residential areas in the immediate vicinity of the site.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Department of Toxic Substances Control Former Oroville Manufactured Gas Plant Remedial Action Plan
Department of Toxic Substances Control Former Oroville Manufactured Gas Plant Remedial Action Plan