SCH Number 2017111004

Project Info

Ventura Water Supply Project
The projects would develop new water supplies to augment the city's water supply portfolio consistent with the city's recently completed 2017 Comprehensive Water Resources Report and 2015 Urban Water Management Plan. Some of these projects also constitute Diversion Infrastructure Projects as that term is defined in the consent decree, filed with the U.S. Central California District Court February 3, 2012 between the city, Wishtoyo Foundation/Ventura Coastkeeper, and Heal the Bay for the protection of the Santa Clara River Estuary. A diversion infrastructure project as defined in the consent decree is essentially a project, including treatment wetlands, that would divert tertiary treated flows currently discharged to the Estuary to water reclamation uses, including use for local water supply augmentation and reliability.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Buenaventura Ventura Water Supply Projects
City of San Buenaventura Ventura Water Supply Project
City of Ventura Ventura Water Supply Project