SCH Number 2017091066

Project Info

Phase 2A - Central Park Recycled Water Main Extension Project
The proposed project would utilize recycled water from the Santa Clarita Valley Sanitation District's Valenciea WRP to service existing customers within CLWA's service area. The proposed project includes construction of up to 33,000 lf of new 24 in diameter pipeline and 16, and 12-in transmission pipeline and a reservoir within a 0.5-acre pad for storage of recycled water. The proposed project would convey an average annual demand of up to 560 acre-feet of recycled water from the Valencia WRP to customers along Newhall Ranch Rd and ultimately to Central Park.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Castaic Lake Water Agency Phase 2A - Central Park Recycled Water Main Extension Project
Castaic Lake Water Agency Phase 2A - Central Park Recycled Water Main Extension Project