SCH Number 2017062058

Project Info

City of Elk Grove General Plan Update Project
The City of Elk Grove, as land use agency, and the CCSD, as the parks and recreation services provider from the community of Elk Grove, jointly plan for new park facilities as part of new development and, where applicable, rehabilitation of existing facilities. This planning occurs consistent with land use plans adopted by the City and the parks master plans adopted by the CCDS. These plans are informed by the jointly adopted Park Design Principles, which establish standards for the programming, planning, and design of park facilities that meet the needs of a giver park's service area and residents. *SEE NOD FOR DETAILS.
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12 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Elk Grove 10075 Sheldon Road Tentative Parcel Map (PLNG20-023)
City of Elk Grove Transportation Analysis Guidelines Amendment
City of Elk Grove Rural Roads Policy and Rural Roads Improvement Standards Update
City of Elk Grove General Plan Amendment 2019-2
City of Elk Grove Climate Action Plan Amendment
City of Elk Grove Laguna Ridge Specific Plan Update
City of Elk Grove Park Design Principles
City of Elk Grove Transportation Analysis Guidelines
City of Elk Grove 2019 Climate Action Plan Update
City of Elk Grove General Plan Update
City of Elk Grove City of Elk Grove General Plan Update Project
City of Elk Grove City of Elk Grove General Plan Update Project