SCH Number 2017052073
Project Info
- Title
- Carrie Crist Minor Subdivision (MS1702)
- Description
- Subdivision of one 4.07-acre parcel into two parcels; one 1.81-acre parcel, and a 2.26 acre parcel. Project area located on Shady Lane, south of US Hwy 199 in the town of Hiouchi on the northern bank of the Smith River. The parcel is currently developed with a residence and garage, which will both need to be removed for setback requirements due to the location of the proposed subdivision line. The subject parcel is currently served by municipal water from Big Rock Community Services District and by on-site sewage. Both proposed parcels are suitable for on-site sewage. No development is proposed with this project, although the max future development of the area would be two single-family residences.
2 documents in project