SCH Number 2017051028

Project Info

Recycled Water Program - Phase 2B - Pipeline, Pump Station and Tank
The CLWA Phase 2B recycled system will include a recycled water tank (approx 1 MG), a transmission pipeline from the Vista Canyon pump station to the proposed recycled water tank, distribution pipelines to serve major customers, and a backup potable water supply line from the existing Cherry Willow potable water tanks to the new recycled water tank to maintain flow through the recycled water distribution system if recycled water supply is interrupted. In addition to the Vista Canyon development, recycled water supply will be used to serve irrigation customers with landscaped areas in the Fair Oaks Ranch community. CLWA's goal for the phase 2B project is to use all of the available recycled water to offset potable water demands.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Phase 2B Recycled Water Tank Project Supplemental IS-MND
Castaic Lake Water Agency Recycled Water Program - Phase 2B - Pipeline, Pump Station and Tank
Castaic Lake Water Agency Recycled Water Program - Phase 2B - Pipeline, Pump Station and Tank
Castaic Lake Water Agency Recycled Water Program - Phase 2B - Pipeline, Pump Station and Tank