SCH Number 2017041047

Project Info

El Cajon Transit District Specific Plan
New specific plan for the area around the El Cajon Transit Center, including the area north of West Main east of El Cajon Blvd., south to Chase Ave., and bounded on the west by I-8, which includes new planned residential, mixed-use and commercial land uses and new design guidelines, and also includes planned street and streetscape improvements including roundabouts and a new bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The project includes a General Plan Amendment and Rezone for the areas to update land uses.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of El Cajon El Cajon Transit District Specific Plan - Marshall Personal Storage CUP Amendment Subsequent Activity
City of El Cajon San Ysidro Health Center
City of El Cajon San Ysidro Health Center
City of El Cajon El Cajon Transit District Specific Plan
City of El Cajon El Cajon Transit District Specific Plan
City of El Cajon El Cajon Transit District Specific Plan