SCH Number 2017021042

Project Info

Palmdale Water District Water System Master Plan
PWD as the lead agency has prepared a draft EIR to provide the public and trustee agencies with info about the potential effects on the local and regional environment associated with implementation of the WSMP. The WSMP outlines a programmatic plan to meet water needs for PWD customers into 2040 and beyond by addressing existing system deficiencies and establishing new water infrastructure to meet future population growth. The WSMP projects the population in the PWD service area will double over the next 25 years. The goals of the WSMP are to provide cost-cost effective water services that meet water quality, quantity, system pressure and reliability requirements of PWD customers, improve existing PWD infrastructures, create future infrastructure to accommodate projected population growth, and ensure potable water supply can meet annual water demand over the next 25 years. The proposed project would implement the Capital Improvement Plan included in the WSMP. Implementation of actions under this WSMP would require the construction of various aboveground facilities and support infrastructure including storage tanks, pump stations, pipelines and wells. Projects to be implemented by 2020 are considered near-term project components and are analyzed at site-specific level. Projects addressed after 2020 are considered long-term projects. Additionally, PWD is proposing a HQ building expansion at its current HQ located at the corner of E. Avenue Q and 20th St to serve the water system in the long term (after 2020).
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Palmdale Water District Palmdale Water District Water System Master Plan
Palmdale Water District Palmdale Water District Water System Master Plan
Palmdale Water District Palmdale Water District Water System Master Plan
Palmdale Water District Water System Master Plan