SCH Number 2017012022

Project Info

Stanford University 2018 General Use Permit
Note: Recirculated This document contains recirculated portions of the Draft EIR for the proposed Stanford University 2018 General use permit. For the purpose of comparison and to assist the public and decision-makers in understanding the implications of the construction of higher levels of housing on the Stanford campus beyond the 3,150 net new housing units/beds proposed by the project, two new alternatives to the proposed project are addressed in the recirculated portions of the draft EIR. Additional Housing Alternative A and Additional Housing Alternative B. Additional housing alternative A assumes a general use permit would be modified to include the same level of academic and academic support development as the proposed 2018 GUP, but would include a requirement the Stanford provide additional housing equal to the increased housing demand generated by the proposed 2018 GUP. Additional housing alternative B also assumes a new general use permit would be sought for the same level of academic and academic support development as the proposed 2018 GUP, but would include a requirement that Stanford provide additional housing equal to half of the increased housing demand generated by the proposed 2018 GUP.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Santa Clara County Stanford University 2018 General Use Permit
Santa Clara County Stanford University 2018 General Use Permit
Santa Clara County Stanford University 2018 General Use Permit