SCH Number 2016101032

Project Info

Tesoro del Valle
The proposed Project includes construction of 820 residential units, including 455 conventional single-family units and 365 age-qualified dwelling units; 19.1 acres of parks and other recreational amenities, including trails; a 2.1-acre helispot; an internal circulation system; and associated infrastructure and utility systems. Project site grading would require approx. 9.1 million cubic yards (mcy) of cut and 9.1 mcy of fill which would balance on site. Remedial grading would also require an additional 2.7 mcy of cut and 2.7 mcy of fill. Project development would occur on a development footprint of approx. 393.6 acres.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Los Angeles County Tesoro Phases B and C Residential Development Project
Los Angeles County Tesoro del Valle Residential Development Project Amendment (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-1999-0126-R5)
Los Angeles County Tesoro del Valle (Phases A, B and C)
Los Angeles County Tesoro del Valle
Los Angeles County Tesoro del Valle (Phases B and C)