SCH Number 2016092008
Project Info
- Title
- Central Amador Water Project Water Right Application
- Description
- AWA is requesting a water right permit to store up to 1,400 acre-feet per year (AFY) in Lower Bear River Reservoir and to directly divert up to 1,050 AFY of water that is currently diverted by Jackson Valley Irrigation District (JVID) further downstream. The permit would allow: 1) increase maximum rates of direct diversion allowed from the Bear River and North Fork Mokelumne River from 3 cubic feet per second to 5 cfs., with combined rates between these sources not to exceed 5 cfs; 2) increase the amount of water that may be diverted into storage annually at Lower Bear River Reservoir from 1,600 AF to 3,000 AF; and 3) increase the amount of water that may be beneficially used annually, whether by direct diversion or re-diversion of water released from storage, from 1,150 AF to 2,200 AF. The diversion would use existing facilities; no new construction is needed.
3 documents in project