SCH Number 2016091052
Project Info
- Title
- IS Application No. 7146 (GASNA,6P LLC)
- Description
- The project for purposes of review under CEQA consists of two components: a 70 kV Generation Tie Line that is the subject of Unclassified Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Application No. 3531, and a 70 kV Switching Station. The 70 kV Generation Tie Line will connect a photovoltaic solar power generation facility that was authorized by CUP No. 3291 in accordance with a MND that was adopted by the Fresno County Planning Commission on November 3, 2011, to the new 70 kV Switching Station, which will be the relocation of the existing PG&E Stroud Switching Station located approx. 800 feet northwest of the new switching station. the 70 kV Generation Tie Line will be constructed, owned and operated by GASNA 6P LLC, while the 70 kV Switching Station will be constructed by PGE&E under CPUC jurisdiction and will also be owned and operated by the PG&E. The Generation Tie Line will occupy approx. 15.5 acre and Switching Station will occupy 13-acre portion of a 182.7 acre parcel in the AE-20 (Exclusive Agriculture, 20-acre minimum parcel size) Zone District.
2 documents in project