SCH Number 2016091031
Project Info
- Title
- Godhino Dairy Expansion
- Description
- David Godinho, the applicant, has requested Authority to Construct (ATC) permits to increase the milking cow herd size from 2,132 cows to 4,000 cows and increase the combined total of dry and milking cows from 2,500 cows to 4,7000 dry and milking cows; add new rotary milking parlor; convert existing milking parlor to hospital milking parlor; increase the umber of milking stalls to 60 stalls; add three new freestall barns; add three new shaded barns and relocate the existing commodity barns. The proposed Project will be located at the existing dairy at 12710 Wilson Road in Merced County.
3 documents in project