SCH Number 2016082075

Project Info

Belmont General Plan Update, Belmont Village Specific Plan, and Climate Action Plan (CAP), and Phase I Zoning
Note: Review Per Lead The EIR covers four major components. The Belmont General Plan is a comprehensive update to all elements of the city's general plan except the housing element. Phase I Zoning regulations implement the general plan to ensure conformity of development projects to the GP's new land use direction. The Belmont Village specific plan provides detailed policy direction, development standards, and implementation actions for redevelopment of the city's downtown area. The specific plan includes zoning regulations pertaining to that specific area. The Climate Action Plan will serve as a qualified GHG reduction strategy consistent with the goals of AB32 and CEQA Guidelines.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Belmont Belmont General Plan Update, Belmont Village Specific Plan, and Climate Action Plan (CAP), and Phase I Zoning
City of Belmont Belmont General Plan Update, Belmont Village Specific Plan, and Climate Action Plan (CAP)