SCH Number 2016071006

Project Info

Proposed Amended Rule 1110.2 - Emissions from Gaseous-and Liquid-Fueled Engines and Proposed Amended Rule 1100 - Implementation Schedule for NOx Facilities
Note: Draft Subsequent Environmental Assessment (equivalent to a Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report) and Review Per Lead Proposed Amended Rule (PAR) 1110.2 applies to stationary and portable engines, rated greater than 50 brake horsepower, and proposes to: 1) include internal combustion engines operated at current and former RECLAIM facilities which were not previously subject to Rule 1110.2 and require them to comply with Best Available Retrofit Control Technology; 2) establish ammonia slip limits and require ammonia emissions monitoring; and 3) exempt non-emergency engines operated at remote two-way radio transmission towers. PAR 1100 proposes to require: 1) two- and four-stroke lean-bum compressor gas engines to comply with the NOx emission limits in PAR 1110.2 within 24 months after a permit to construct is issued, or 36 months after a permit to construct is issued if the application is submitted by July 1, 2021; and 2) all other qualifying engines to meet the NOx emission limits by December 31, 2023. The proposed project is estimated to reduce NOx emissions by 0.29 ton per day. The Draft Subsequent Environmental Assessment (SEA) identifies potentially significant adverse hazards and hazardous materials impacts. Some sites affected by the proposed project may be identified on lists compiled by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control per Government Code §65962.5.
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