SCH Number 2016042030

Project Info

Le Colline Vineyard Conversion Project
Note: Review Period Extended Per Lead The proposed project involves earthmoving activities on slopes greater than 5% in connection with the development of 25 net acres of vineyard within 33.8 acres, which consists of 32.8 gross acres of vineyard and 1 acre of access drives including improvements to exciting dirt trails, on the approx 88.34-acre property. Project components includes 24.51 acres of timber harvest and 9.29 acres vegetation removal including grasslands and manzanita; earthmoving and grading activities; ripping, tilling, and rock removal associated with soil cultivation; installation and maintenance of drainage and erosion control features; vineyard planting and harvesting; and ongoing maintenance and operation of vineyards upon completion. A Timber Harvest Plan is required for the timber removal and is being developed concurrently.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Le Colline Vineyard Conversion Project
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Le Colline Vineyard Conversion Project