SCH Number 2016041053
Project Info
- Title
- The Semitropic Water Storage District, Pond Road Solar Facility Project
- Description
- The SWSD proposes to construct a 5-megawatt photovoltaic energy generation facility referred to as the Pond Road Solar Facility. The project would be owned, operated and maintained by the District. The project will be located on disturbed, District-owned property in the San Joaquin Valley area of Kern County, CA, within Section 35, T255, R23E, MDBM. The facility, at full buildout will occupy an area that is approximately 40 acres. The project would interconnect to an existing District 12.47 kV distribution line located immediately north of the project site, adjacent to the District's Pond Rd substation, and across from an existing PG&E substation.
2 documents in project