SCH Number 2016041051

Project Info

Addendum No. 1 to the Fontana Water Company Recycled Water Improvement Project
San Gabriel Valley Water Company is a privately owned water company that provides water service to customers located within its Fontana Water Company division service area, which includes the City of Fontana and some unincorporated areas in the immediate vicinity. The FWC provides this water service pursuant to the regulatory jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of CA (CPUC). As a public utility water company, FWC is mandated to provide its customers a reliable supply of water that complies with state and federal safe drinking water standards. As a non-governmental entity SFVWC is not subject to CEQA unless its actions involve governmental participation, financing, discretionary permitting or approval. IEUA has agreed to serve as the CEQA lead agency for this project as it will deliver IEUA recycled water to FWC that will be used to offset existing potable water demand within FWC's service area. The proposed project includes the expanded delivery of recycled water produced by IEUA Water Reclamation Facilities to FWC at its Regional Plant No. 3 recharge basin location. FWC proposes to install a reservoir, pump station, and recycled water delivery pipelines; most of the proposed pipelines have already been installed, though some yard piping is needed. The purpose of the proposed RP-3 improvements is to increase the Agency's program to max the beneficial reuse of recycled water to reduce dependence on imported water to replace use of potable water for landscape irrigation by using recycled water. Prior to adopting the MND for the FWC Recycled Water Improvement Project, FWC notified IEUA that it was making minor modifications to the project. Specifically, a second reservoir (0.53 million gallons of storage), possible 4,000 gallon hydropneumatic tank and additional piping have been added to the project. Based on this project modification, a decision was made to recirculate the Initial Study to address this site modification at IEUA's RP-3 location. This addendum is being prepared in response to FWC's need to revise the location of the facilities planned within RP-3. Additionally, FWC seeks to reduce the number of reservoirs from two reservoirs to one 0.53 MG reservoir, and will enclose the booster pump station to attenuate noise. The proposed project modifications are in response to IEUA's plans to utilize the land upon which the project facilities were originally planned to be constructed. The reduction in reservoirs from two reservoirs to one is a response to the lack of need for an additional reservoir at this time, and the addition of the booster pump system enclosure is due to the need to attenuate noise because of the closer proximity to the habitat conservation basin and adjacent residences. The proposed project includes the expanded delivery of recycled water produced by IEUA Water Reclamation Facilities to FWC at its Regional Plan No. 3 (RP-3) recharge basin location. FWC proposes to install on reservoir, pump station that may include a 4,000 gallon hydropneumatic tank (and 10 horsepower pump to fill the tank) with an enclosure, and recycled water delivery pipelines; most of the proposed pipelines have already been installed, through some yard piping is needed. The purpose of the proposed RP-3 improvements is to increase the Agency's program to maximize the beneficial reuse of recycled water to reduce dependence on imported water and to replace use of potable water for landscape irrigation by using recycled water.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Inland Empire Utility Agency Addendum No. 1 tot he Fontana Water Company Recycled Water Improvement Project
Inland Empire Utility Agency Addendum No. 1 to the Fontana Water Company Recycled Water Improvement Project
Inland Empire Utility Agency Fontana Water Company Recycled Water Improvement Project
Inland Empire Utility Agency (Recirculation) Fontana Water Company Recycled Water Improvement Project
Inland Empire Utility Agency (Recirculation) Fontana Water Company Recycled Water Improvement Project