SCH Number 2015111052
Project Info
- Title
- Lot Line Adjustment No. 2015-104
- Description
- Lot line adjustment between three parcels in Yosemite West. Parcel A, portion of APN 006-070-029, located at 7168 Yosemite Park Way is 273 acres, zoned General Forest. Parcel A is in the Natural Resources Land Use Classification of the General Plan. Parcel B, APN 006-080-013 (Lot 252 of the Yosemite West Unit 1 subdivision) is a 0.25 acre, undeveloped parcel, zoned Rural Residential and in the Residential General Plan Land Use Classification. Parcel C, APN 006-090-002 (Lot 248 of the Yosemite West Unit 1 subdivision) is a 0.25-acre, undeveloped parcel, zoned Rural Residential and in the Residential General Plan Land Use Classifications. The lot line adjustment adds 40 acres through the lot line adjustment process to Parcel B and Parcel C (both go from 0.25 acre to 40.25 acres) and reduce Parcel A from 273 acres to 193 acres. No development is being proposed or has been proposed with this project. Any future development on any of the adjusted parcels will be reviewed to ensure compliance with CEQA and applicable regulations. Any future permitted uses and development will be reviewed through existing permitting procedures and requirements. Permitted uses and development are typically reviewed through ministerial permits, such as building and grading permits. The lot line adjustment does not change the uses or development currently permitted by the Zoning Ordinance or General Plan.
2 documents in project