SCH Number 2015102067

Project Info

Multi-Sport Complex and Grant Line Industrial Annexation Area
The SEIR will supplement the Elk Grove Sphere of Influence Amendment and Multi-Sport Park Complex Draft Environmental Impact Report (2019 Elk Grove SOIA EIR), which addressed development of a multi-sports park complex on the City-owned property, along with a mix of commercial, industrial, and mixed uses in the surrounding area. The 2019 Elk Grove SOIA EIR was circulated for public review beginning on June 29, 2018 and concluding on August 14, 2018 (State Clearinghouse Number 2015102067). This EIR was certified by the Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) on May 15t, 2019. LAFCo approved the SOI amendment at the same hearing. There are two parts of the revised Project description that are the focus of analysis in the SEIR: (1) a change in the land use designations for the proposed General Plan amendment and pre-zoning; and (2) additional information related to infrastructure improvements that will be necessary to serve the Project site. These revisions are discussed below.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Elk Grove Multi-Sport Complex and Southeast Industrial Annexation Area Project, Prezoning Ordinance Adoption
City of Elk Grove Multi-Sport Complex and Southeast Industrial Annexation Area
City of Elk Grove Multi-Sport Complex and Grant Line Industrial Annexation Area
Sacramento County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) (LAFCO) Elk Grove Sphere of Influence Amendment and Multi-Sport Park Complex (LAFC#04-15)
Sacramento County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) (LAFCO) Elk Grove Sphere of Influence Amendment and Multi-Sport Park Complex Environmental Impact Report
Sacramento County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) (LAFCO) Elk Grove Sphere of Influence Amendment and Multi-Sport Park Complex Project