SCH Number 2015062026

Project Info

Lower Penitencia Creek Improvements Project
In its current condition, Lower Penitencia Creek has capacity to accommodate the existing 1-percent flood flow without overtopping its levees. However, upstream capital improvements to the Lower Berryessa Creek, Lower Calera Creek, and Tularcitos Creek and enlargement of Upper Berryessa Creek channel, will increase the size of the 1-percent flow. Construction of improvements to Lower Berryessa Creek channel, will increase the size of the 1-percent flow. Construction of improvements to Lower Berryessa and Upper Berryessa Creeks are currently in progress. After the upstream projects are completed, the increased 1-percent flow from the Berryessa Creek delivered to Lower Penitencia Creek will exceed the existing flow conveyance capacity of Loer Penitencia Creek. The project will be necessary to prevent flooding in the project vicinity during a future 1-percent event. Proposed project would also maintain the existing Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) certification of the existing east levee between California Circle and Berryessa Creek. The proposed project includes improvements to ensure the increased 1-percetn flow is contained with required freeboard. Proposed project improvements include sheet pile floodwalls, improved channel access roads, raised levees, and an in-channel wetlands planting bench.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Santa Clara Valley Water District Lower Penitencia Creek Improvements {Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018- 0082-R3)
Santa Clara Valley Water District Lower Penitencia Creek Improvements Project
Santa Clara Valley Water District Lower Penitencia Creek Improvements Project
Santa Clara Valley Water District Lower Penitencia Creek Improvements Project