SCH Number 2015042041

Project Info

Rocklin Meadows Subdivision, Greenbrae Island Annexation and Pre-Zone
This Rocklin Meadows application is a request for approval of a Tentative Subdivision Map and Tree Preservation Plan Permit to allow for the subdivision of a 15-acre parcel into 27 single-family residential lots and four landscape/maintenance access lots. The subject parcel and surrounding county area are in the process of annexing into the City of Rocklin, concurrently with the entitlements described above. The pre-zone of portions of the annexation area to PX-R1-7.5, PZ-R1-10 (Single Family Residential, 7,500 and 10,000 square foot lot minimums, respectively) and Open Area (PZ-OA) is to rectify conflicts between the current land uses and previously approved per-zoning.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Rocklin Rocklin Meadows Subdivision (SD-2013-08, TRE2015-0004), Greenbrae Island Annexation (ANEX2015-0001) and Pre-Zone (PZ2015-0001)
City of Rocklin Rocklin Meadows Subdivision, Greenbrae Island Annexation and Pre-Zone