SCH Number 2015021018

Project Info

Azusa TOD Specific Plan
The Azusa TOD Specific Plan area encompasses 308 acres, primarily comprised of the 0.25 mi radius around the two new Azusa Gold Line stations as well as all or portions of Downtown Azusa, the City's Civic core, and the Foothill Blvd corridor. The Specific Plan identified development potential of 403,000 sf of retail, services, and office uses; a 150-room hotel; and 840 multi family residential units within the plan area. The City Council approved Resolution No. 2015-C56, certifying the Final EIR and Resolution No. 2015-011, approving the specific plan.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Azusa Azusa Transit-Oriented Development Specific Plan (Azusa TOD Specific Plan)
City of Azusa Azusa TOD Specific Plan
City of Azusa Azusa TOD Specific Plan
City of Azusa Azusa TOD Specific Plan