SCH Number 2015012065
Project Info
- Title
- PA-1400260
- Description
- A site approval application of Louis and Elvira Rivera (c/o Dillon & Murphy) for agricultural truck parking for 1 truck and 2 trailers to include the use of an existing 1,750 square foot building for maintenance. This parcel is not under a Williamson Act contract. The Property is zoned AU (Agriculture-Urban Reserve, 20-acre minimum) and the General Pl designation is R/L (Low Density Residential). The project site is located on the west side of Snyder Lane 1,475 feet south of State Route 88, east of Stockton. (APN/ADDRESS: 101-022-27/2703 Snyder Lane, Stockton) (Supervisorial District 4).
2 documents in project