SCH Number 2014121034
Project Info
- Title
- Waterman Logistics Center
- Description
- The proposed Project consists of applications for General Plan Amendment (GPA 14-08), Zoning Map Amendment (ZA 14-16), Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) No. 19573 9SUB 14-11), and a Development Permit (DP-D14-05). GPA 14-08 and ZA 14-16 propose to amend the City's General Plan land use and Zoning designations as they pertain to the Project site from "Office Industrial Park (OIP)" and "Residential Medium High (RMH)" to "Industrial Light (IL)," which would allow for a variety of light industrial uses, including warehousing/distribution, assembly, light manufacturing and research and development. TPM No. 19573 (SUB 14-11) proposes to consolidate the existing nine (9) parcels that comprise the 19.65-acre property into one (1) parcel. DP-D14-05 proposes to develop the subject property with a 426,858 square foot (s.f.) logistics warehouse building and associated improvements including, but not limited to, surface parking areas, drive aisles, utility infrastructure, landscaping, exterior lighting, signage, and walls/fencing.
2 documents in project