SCH Number 2014062043

Project Info

Granite and Dominguez Subdivision
CDFW has executed lake and streambed alteration agreement no. 1600-2015-0269-R2, pursuant to section 1602 of the fish and game code to the project applicant, John Mourier Construction, Inc. The project is limited to work associated with the construction of a paved bike trail and a storm drain outfall. The bike trail will be approximately 742 lf and 12 ft wide. The storm drain outfall structure will be composed of 34 sf of reinforced concrete apron, approximately 4.5 ft long and 7.5 ft wide, and approximately 160 sf of 1/4 ton rip rap downstream of the concrete apron. The outfall structure will discharge into a daylight ditch approximately 63 ft long and will taper down in width from 8 ft wide down to 0. The daylight ditch will be lined with an erosion control blanket, hydroseeded, and covered with mulch and tackifier. The project will result the removal of ten trees, and the permanent impact of approximately 0.17 acres of riparian woodland.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Rocklin 4410 Granite Drive Bike Trail Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0269-R2).
City of Rocklin Granite and Dominguez Subdivision (GPA-2013-06, PDG-2013-07, Z-2013-10, SD-2013-06 and TRE-2013-39)
City of Rocklin Granite and Dominguez Subdivision