SCH Number 2014032066

Project Info

Capri Creek Flood Reduction and Habitat Restoration
CDFW has executed Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0037-R3, pursuant to section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, City of Petaluma. Project will realign, re-contour and enhance approx. 1,400 lineal feet of channel within an area covering 1.9 acres at Sunrise Parkway. The area downstream of the culvert entrance will be widened into an Urban Debris Basin to facilitate the removal of deposited sediment, urban debris, and problematic vegetation. Approx. 1.9 acres of riparian will be enhanced to introduce continuity with the upstream and downstream riparian corridor by establishing large canopy trees and a lower shrub dominated plant mix in the understory.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Petaluma Capri Creek Flood Reduction and Habitat Enhancement (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0037-R3)
City of Petaluma Capri Creek Flood Reduction and Habitat Restoration
City of Petaluma Capri Creek Flood Reduction and Habitat Restoration
City of Petaluma Capri Creek Flood Reduction and Habitat Restoration