SCH Number 2013102047

Project Info

Fieldstone North
CDFW has executed Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0171-R2, pursuant to section of 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, Pappas Investments. The Permittee is proposing the development of the Fieldstone North Project to accommodate 365 single-family residences, open-spaces/drainage lots, two water quality treatment basins, roadways, and a community park. Onsite infrastructure associated with the project includes the construction of internal access roads, water, sewer, and storm water drainage improvements. Project will fill 1.43 acres of jurisdictional aquatic features (0.018 acres of depressional seasonal wetland, 0.45 acres of vernal pool, 0.91 acres of riverine seasonal wetland, 0.047 acres of riverine seasonal marsh, and 0.002 acres of Elk Grove Creek).
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Elk Grove Fieldstone North Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-171-R2)
City of Elk Grove Fieldstone North - EG-13-004 (Ordinance Second Reading)
City of Elk Grove Fieldstone North - EG-13-004 (Ordinance Second Reading)
City of Elk Grove Fieldstone North - EG-13-004 (Ordinance First Reading)
City of Elk Grove Fieldstone North
City of Elk Grove Fieldstone North