SCH Number 2013052057

Project Info

Amendment to the Southern Sphere of Influence Planning and Annexation Project
The proposed project includes: 1) an amendment to the General Plan land use designations on 237 of the 400 acres; 2) a prezone of 237 of the 400 acres of land to various zone districts consistent with the proposed General Plan amendments; 3) an amendment to add 31 acres to the City's Sphere of Influence; and 4) the annexation of approximately 400 acres.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Grass Valley Amendment to the Southern Sphere of Influence Planning and Annexation Project
City of Grass Valley Annexation, Prezoning, and General Plan Amendment applications 13PLN-08
City of Grass Valley Southern Sphere of Influence Planning and Annexation Project
City of Grass Valley Southern Sphere of Influence Planning and Annexation Project