SCH Number 2012121031
Project Info
- Title
- Cactus Avenue PUD PA12-0004, PA12-00005, PAT12-0029, PAT12-0030 P12-29
- Description
- CDFW is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA # 1600-2013-0169-R6 [Revision 2]) pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant: CV Communities, 1900 Quail Street, Newport Beach, State of California, 92660, Phone (949) 251-8057. Work within the property is limited to the construction of a residential development consisting of 159 single-family residential lots, local streets, and associated infrastructure, within Tentative Tract 36436. The proposed Project will expand and reconfigure Quincy Channel resulting in the creation of a 58-foot wide trapezoidal-shaped channel. The channel bottom will be lined with ungrouted rip-rap and the channel slopes will remain earthen. In addition, the existing dry weather crossing at Brodiaea Avenue will be replaced with a four cell reinforced concrete box culvert, each being ten feet wide by seven feet high. A concrete apron will continue for approximately 220 linear feet downstream from Brodiaea Avenue. At this point, the rip-rap lined channel will continue in a sotherly direction to a new proposed concrete apron (approximately 70 feet in length) just upstream of the existing box culvert beneath Cactus Avenue. This reinforced concrete box culvert, each cell being seven feet wide by four feet high, will be extended approximately thirty feet northerly of the existing box culvert. The construction of the project will impact a total of 1.30 acres of streambed and associated riparian habitat.
2 documents in project